This section describes how to customize the output of Hspec by writing a custom formatter. The focus is on how to write and package a formatter so that it can be used by others.
The essence of a formatter in Hspec is a function format :: Format
. This
function takes an Event
and produces some side effect:
type Format = Event -> IO ()
As an example here is a format function that, on each completed spec item,
prints the item path and one of ✔
format :: Format
format event = case event of
ItemDone path item -> putStrLn (formatItem path item)
_ -> return ()
formatItem :: Path -> Item -> String
formatItem path item = joinPath path <> " [" <> formatResult item <> "]"
formatResult :: Item -> String
formatResult item = case itemResult item of
Success {} -> "✔"
Pending {} -> "‐"
Failure {} -> "✘"
joinPath :: Path -> String
joinPath (groups, requirement) = intercalate " ❯ " $ groups ++ [requirement]
When we run a spec with this formatter we anticipate output of the form:
reverse ❯ reverses a list [✔]
reverse ❯ gives the original list, if applied twice [✔]
To use a formatter, we first need to register it; not the format
itself, but something that offers more utility:
formatter :: (String, FormatConfig -> IO Format)
formatter = ("my-formatter", \ _config -> return format)
. Here, we use "my-formatter"
as the name.FormatConfig
to the formatter so
that the format
function can make use of it. Here, we don't
look at the config value at all.format
function itself to be constructed in IO
. Here,
we simply return the format
function without doing any IO
.This formatter
can then be used with hspecWith
main :: IO ()
main = hspecWith (useFormatter formatter defaultConfig) spec
Note: A more idiomatic way to use formatters, that plays nice with hspec-discover
is discussed below.
-- file Spec.hs
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Runner (hspecWith, defaultConfig)
import Test.QuickCheck (property)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Test.Hspec.Api.Format.V1
formatter :: (String, FormatConfig -> IO Format)
formatter = ("my-formatter", \ _config -> return format)
format :: Format
format event = case event of
ItemDone path item -> putStrLn (formatItem path item)
_ -> return ()
formatItem :: Path -> Item -> String
formatItem path item = joinPath path <> " [" <> formatResult item <> "]"
formatResult :: Item -> String
formatResult item = case itemResult item of
Success {} -> "✔"
Pending {} -> "‐"
Failure {} -> "✘"
joinPath :: Path -> String
joinPath (groups, requirement) = intercalate " ❯ " $ groups ++ [requirement]
main :: IO ()
main = hspecWith (useFormatter formatter defaultConfig) spec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "reverse" $ do
it "reverses a list" $ do
reverse [1 :: Int, 2, 3] `shouldBe` [3, 2, 1]
it "gives the original list, if applied twice" $ property $
\ xs -> (reverse . reverse) xs == (xs :: [Int])
runhaskell Spec.hs reverse ❯ reverses a list [✔] reverse ❯ gives the original list, if applied twice [✔]
It is possible to use a custom monad stack for the format
As an example, let's assume we want to enumerate spec items, changing the output from above to:
1. reverse ❯ reverses a list [✔]
2. reverse ❯ gives the original list, if applied twice [✔]
Using StateT Int IO
instead of IO
is one way to achieve this:
format :: Event -> StateT Int IO ()
format event = case event of
ItemDone path item -> do
n <- state (id &&& succ)
liftIO $ putStrLn (show n <> ". " <> formatItem path item)
_ -> return ()
The monadic
function can be used to transform a monadic format
into one of type IO Format
. To do this, monadic
requires some function:
run :: MonadIO m => m () -> IO ()
For StateT Int IO
we can use evalStateT
formatter :: (String, FormatConfig -> IO Format)
formatter = ("my-formatter", \ _config -> monadic (`evalStateT` 1) format)
-- file Spec.hs
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Runner (hspecWith, defaultConfig)
import Test.QuickCheck (property)
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Test.Hspec.Api.Format.V1
formatter :: (String, FormatConfig -> IO Format)
formatter = ("my-formatter", \ _config -> monadic (`evalStateT` 1) format)
format :: Event -> StateT Int IO ()
format event = case event of
ItemDone path item -> do
n <- state (id &&& succ)
liftIO $ putStrLn (show n <> ". " <> formatItem path item)
_ -> return ()
formatItem :: Path -> Item -> String
formatItem path item = joinPath path <> " [" <> formatResult item <> "]"
formatResult :: Item -> String
formatResult item = case itemResult item of
Success {} -> "✔"
Pending {} -> "‐"
Failure {} -> "✘"
joinPath :: Path -> String
joinPath (groups, requirement) = intercalate " ❯ " $ groups ++ [requirement]
main :: IO ()
main = hspecWith (useFormatter formatter defaultConfig) spec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "reverse" $ do
it "reverses a list" $ do
reverse [1 :: Int, 2, 3] `shouldBe` [3, 2, 1]
it "gives the original list, if applied twice" $ property $
\ xs -> (reverse . reverse) xs == (xs :: [Int])
runhaskell Spec.hs 1. reverse ❯ reverses a list [✔] 2. reverse ❯ gives the original list, if applied twice [✔]
The previous examples used hspecWith
to register a formatter. This
works, but it requires the user to write a custom main
function. This is
inconvenient when you are using hspec-discover
provides an alternative, it can be used to register a
formatter in SpecM
spec :: Spec
spec = do
modifyConfig (useFormatter MyFormatter.formatter)
can be used anywhere within a spec. However, it is idiomatic
to use it from a spec hook:
-- file test/SpecHook.hs
module SpecHook where
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Api.Format.V1 (modifyConfig, useFormatter)
import qualified MyFormatter
hook :: Spec -> Spec
hook = (modifyConfig (useFormatter MyFormatter.formatter) >>)
When distributing a formatter you should, by convention, provide at least three primitives:
module MyFormatter (use, register, formatter, module Api) where
import Test.Hspec.Api.Format.V1 as Api
-- | Make `formatter` available for use with @--format@ and use it by default.
use :: SpecWith a -> SpecWith a
use = (modifyConfig (useFormatter formatter) >>)
-- | Make `formatter` available for use with @--format@.
register :: SpecWith a -> SpecWith a
register = (modifyConfig (registerFormatter formatter) >>)
formatter :: (String, FormatConfig -> IO Format)
formatter = ...
and register
make it convenient to register the formatter from a
spec hook:
-- file test/SpecHook.hs
module SpecHook where
import Test.Hspec
import qualified MyFormatter
hook :: Spec -> Spec
hook = MyFormatter.use
The formatter
should be exported so that it is possible to augment it if
needed. In addition you may choose to export internals that are specific to
your formatter.
You also want to re-export Test.Hspec.Api.Format.V1
for two reasons:
-- file src/MyFormatter.hs
module MyFormatter (use, register, formatter, module Api) where
import Data.List
import Test.Hspec.Api.Format.V1 as Api
-- | Make `formatter` available for use with @--format@ and use it by default.
use :: SpecWith a -> SpecWith a
use = (modifyConfig (useFormatter formatter) >>)
-- | Make `formatter` available for use with @--format@.
register :: SpecWith a -> SpecWith a
register = (modifyConfig (registerFormatter formatter) >>)
formatter :: (String, FormatConfig -> IO Format)
formatter = ("my-formatter", \ _config -> return format)
format :: Format
format event = case event of
ItemDone path item -> putStrLn (formatItem path item)
_ -> return ()
formatItem :: Path -> Item -> String
formatItem path item = joinPath path <> " [" <> formatResult item <> "]"
formatResult :: Item -> String
formatResult item = case itemResult item of
Success {} -> "✔"
Pending {} -> "‐"
Failure {} -> "✘"
joinPath :: Path -> String
joinPath (groups, requirement) = intercalate " ❯ " $ groups ++ [requirement]
-- file test/SpecHook.hs
module SpecHook where
import Test.Hspec
import qualified MyFormatter
hook :: Spec -> Spec
hook = MyFormatter.use
-- file test/Data/ListSpec.hs
module Data.ListSpec (spec) where
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "reverse" $ do
it "reverses a list" $ do
reverse [1 :: Int, 2, 3] `shouldBe` [3, 2, 1]
it "gives the original list, if applied twice" $ property $
\ xs -> (reverse . reverse) xs == (xs :: [Int])
-- file test/Spec.hs
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF hspec-discover #-}
runhaskell -isrc -itest test/Spec.hs Data.List ❯ reverse ❯ reverses a list [✔] Data.List ❯ reverse ❯ gives the original list, if applied twice [✔]